INTRODUCTION | What is the relationship between ego and body? Before dealing with this question, at first it is better to understand it by whether seek or define the meaning of the words it contains. Ego, body and relation are these words. At first we must clear that what these words means or what we mean uttering them till we could deal with the question. After clarifying these word's meaning we will try to structure theories that comply with these definitions and can describe the relationship between ego and body and in general ego and material. In this way we will suggest two theories that describe the relationship between the ego and body and further present new way of thinking about whole world.What is ego?Ego is the one who comprehend and will. In fact, this is subject of the comprehending and also it will. Now the question "what is ego?" reduces to the three questions, 1) What is subject? 2) What is comprehension? 3) What is will?What is subject? |
In common sense the word subject imply the notion of the will. But is this true in all usage of this word? The word "will" that we use here is different with the one we mentioned earlier. There are two possible approaches. One is that the ego wills to comprehension and the other is that the ego has no way but to comprehending. We will discuss these two approaches later.1.2)What is will?(in common sense)One who will at first must want.1.2.1) wanting For wanting one first must don’t have the thing he/she wants. Also he/she must be able to imagine, he/she must tend to it, and also he/she must choose. TendencyWhen we say we tend to something? In fact when we tend to something we have different comprehension of that object related to the one who have no tendency to it. The tendency changes the comprehension by notions like beauty or pleasure or their opposite ugliness and pain. It is possible to tend to something and not to want it. But wanting is demanded the tendency. imaginationTo imagine is to reconstructing a condition is the mind. But what are priori for imagination are the substances that are needed for that. These are the ideas.1.2.2) choiceI think that I have chosen to study philosophy but it seems that this choice was hidden in my beliefs that caused to this choice. May my belief also is result of another thing. To explaining the notion "choice" is difficult now. We discuss this later. But this notion is the heart of notion "will"."Then to will is needed to 1) choose, and 2) imagining, and 3) to tend, and 4) not having. But these are conditions to will and the will itself is another thing." 1.3)comprehendingWhat is comprehension? When we say we comprehend something? For instance, I comprehend colors and shapes and pain etc. first I suggest some faculty that are near to process of comprehension. 1) Coordinating (coordination), 2) memorizing and remembering (memory), 3) comparing (comparison)Now for illuminating these faculties I prepare an imaginary experiment.Imagine an eye without eyelid that cannot move. Images print on it. Now consider those four abilities. Our eye coordinates the images, memorize them and remember them and compare them. (Coordinating means to define the images by the predefined notions like colors and distance and angle etc.) Without coordinating the comprehension is impossible. Because in this case it is impossible to say one thing is itself. Then suppose that we remove the faculty of memorizing, then this is impossible to compare, because there is no other thing to be compared with the current one. Also without the faculty comparison this is impossible to memorizing and remembering. Because for memorizing and remembering it is needed to compare and state that this memory is different from that one. Is the ego forced to do these operations or has liberty. We assume that it is free to choose them or not. Then we say that first the ego chooses to be coordinate, then it chooses to memorize, then chooses to compare and at last chooses to remember. For each these operations there is a specific will. We name them third will for coordinating and fourth will for memorizing and fifth will for comparing.We explained some faculties that are near to the notion comprehension. Now let's see which one is most near to that.First comprehensionRemember the eye that we imagined. Suppose the instance that it comprehends the first image. QuestionEgo will to comprehend or it has no way but to comprehend?Our assumption is that it wills to comprehend and we name that the second will.Ass it is explicit in first image it needn’t to be any memorizing and comparing. Then we must say that the main faculty of comprehension is coordinating.Now we have two conditions:The coordinating is the comprehending itself. The coordinating is necessary for comprehension, but is not whole this.
There is another thing that we assume necessary for comprehension. That is the sense of being. Being is a sense that you feel that you exist and you comprehend etc.Now combining by the will we have four state:Comprehension = coordination.Comprehension = coordination + willComprehension = coordination + beingComprehension = coordination + will + being
Our choice is the last one. There is a problem that may be solved by referring to our imaginary experiment. Suppose that lidless eye opposed with the void or more comprehensible darkness. Can it notice its existence? We say yes.We have chosen the last one. Let us before reconsidering the matter of ego first return to matter of will and its kinds.We said that for coordinating ego needs to know ideas. But how it knows them?We assume that before the first image the ego has willed to comprehend them. We call it the first will. Then we have six wills:Will to comprehend ideas = first willWill to comprehending(receiving data) = second willWill to coordinating = third willWill to memorizing = fourth willWill to comparing = fifth willWill to act = sixth will
We have discussed about the will generally before. We concluded for willing it is needed to: 1) choose, and 2) imagining, and 3) to tend, and 4) not having. But these are conditions to will and the will itself is another thing. If we accept that the coordinating is by will, then the ego can do not coordinate or name things or in other term choose not to comprehend. Also if this is willingly it must have an imagination of it. Also it must tend to it and also not to have it that it have not.In the case that coordinating is willingly something that necessarily exists in ego are: 1) one who is 2) subject of first and second will 3) imaginer 4) tendency to comprehension 5) tend to not to comprehend.
These are needed for the first stage of being and for the second one we have: 1) memory 2) comparer 3) third will 4) tendency to memorize and compare.One can say that comparing is also needed for the first stage. Also memorizing. Because between nothing and comprehension even the ideas or the nature, ego must compare and memorize and then choose. But this is a problematic question. One that we can say that all these is necessary for comprehension. One another thing that we neglected are the ideas like beauty. Are they exist in ego before the first image or not. We don’t discuss this.In the case that coordinating is not willingly, may whole the will is not exist. Because in this case there was no will before the first comprehension. One can suppose that some of the six wills exist and some not. Or may one do not believe in will. I believe in all of them (and may more).If coordinating is not willingly then we must discuss the origin of the will. May one say that existed in ego but mute. Because the will is not sort of the comprehension. Another way is to deny will.
We have six level of being, six level of comprehension and six level of will.(and may more)May we can discuss the unity of these levels, specially the wills. But that is beyond my ability. Our assumption in this article is the existence of the six levels of being, comprehension and will (may more or less).At last faculties of ego are 1) one who is 2) comprehension 3) will* ego has levels as being, comprehension and will have levelsWhat is body? What we call body? For explaining this some explanations are required.A child in the beginning of comprehending cannot understand the 3D space and the objects. He/she comprehends something like chaos from the world outside. In term of mathematics he/she comprehends a combined function from the senses. Gradually the brain reaches the ability to analyze that functions (something like Fourier series) and rebuild the space and the objects. A better explanation for this matter is this instance. Suppose a library employee that is give five million papers of different books. At first he categorize the papers in books, and then he categorizes books to the fields as mathematics, literature etc. the process of comprehension in mind is something like this. Then mind categorizes the data in the objects in one instance, then in passage of time, then in ideas etc. in fact first analyze the functions into elements and the reconstruct and combine them in the new form. For example our minds recognize one person in all times from childhood till old instead of his/her changes. At last the brain builds or reaches to the ideas such sadness and love and so on. Suppose you have gone to a theater and you feel sorrow after that. Your mind recognized the idea "sorrow" in the data you received in that theater, but how. What is the relation between images and sadness? Understanding the way mind work is not easy and is not our subject in this article. Our question was what is body? Body is one of these ideas that we unite some data under it. Then we can say that the body is one of the mind's theorems.QuestionIs there any body in the real world or the bodies only exist in mind?Our assumption is that the body objectively consists of particles (as atom or quark) and these objects are the same as the other objects elements but with different array. In fact our assumption is that our comprehension from the world is the same with its reality or at least is not so far from it and is related to it. In Einstein relativity we cannot suppose the features that we comprehend from the world real, because they are different from different point of views. Then our comprehension from the world is not the same with the real world and in quantum mechanics the situation is not better than this. But I guess the objects unity, its identity and the statement that they are wholes consist of elements be wrong (in these theories). Then we can assume that the body consists of the elements.Speaking about the relationship is speaking about the matter "cause and effect". Our discussion about this matter is from objective point of view and we interested in knowing that how things goes in the nature. At last we have one picture of the world. If you don’t agree suppose that you stand in the last second of the world. The world has only one history, but is this means that everything is determined? And what about the relations we impute to the phenomena? What about if they comply with our history? In this case can we say they were necessary?By referring to our intuitions we see that the necessary relation is not the one that occurs in all cases, but is the one that a metaphysical law supports it as necessity. We have three conditions related to the matter of necessity.The relationships that exist in the world are necessary relations. The relationships that exist in the world are necessary relations. Some relationships are necessary and some of them are not.
From another point of view we have three conditions:Only the material is related to material.Only ego is related to materials.Both material with material and material with ego relationships exist.